2014년 10월 29일 수요일

"" is not translated in ... - Android Studio


<string name="action_settings" translatable="false">Settings</string>

how to recognize library project - Android Studio

Add "compile project(':plusLibrary')" in dependencies at build.gradle file of main project.

auto fix - Android Studio

Double click the word in red. Press Alt + Enter.

line delete - Android Studio

Ctrl + y

2014년 10월 27일 월요일

AndroidDebugKey Keystore was tampered with, or password was incorrect


signingConfigs {
        debug {
            storeFile file("/home/jeff/.android/debug.keystore")

        release {
            storeFile file("config/telegram.jks")
            storePassword RELEASE_STORE_PASSWORD
            keyAlias RELEASE_KEY_ALIAS
            keyPassword RELEASE_KEY_PASSWORD

Android specified for property 'signingConfig.storeFile' does not exist


Gradle version 1.10 is required. Current version is 2.0


Could not find any version that matches com.google.android.gms:play-services:3.2.+.


“Could not create plugin of type 'AppPlugin' - gradle


2014년 10월 10일 금요일

how to ignore certain folders in subclipse

1. Open Window > Preferences.

2. Click Team > Ignored Resources.

3. Click Add Pattern button and type the name of folder or file. For example, type bin if you want to ignore bin folder.

adjustResize or adjustPan not working

Wrap LinearLayout or soemthing with ScrollView.

2014년 10월 7일 화요일

this client is too old... -SVN

It is version problem. You should delete .svn folder in the folder of project.

Which Version of Subclipse should I install on eclipse?

If you installed adt bundle for linux, you should install subclipse 1.6. I tried 1.8 and 1.10, but I couldn't install subclipse because of some errors.

Today is October 7th, 2014.