There are two types of post. One is just sending text message and the other is sending text message and image all together. SNS Manager Plus doesn't not support video.
If you want to upload your photo, touch camera icon on screen. Then popup window will show up and you can choose between camera and album. If you choose camera, you can take a picture, and if you choose album, you can select one image in the album.
After you take picture or select image in album, the image will display at screen. You can see small red button at the right corner of top. If you want to cancel image, just click this button. You can also change image by touching any spot of image.
Now it's time to put in text. When you type text, the window will get bigger by the length of text. You can see post button by scrolling up the screen.
Below text box, sns buttons are positioned. Press the buttons of sns where you want to send your post. Then authentication will be processed. After the process succeeds, the color of the button will be activated. The authentication keep alive even after rerunning the app. You don't have to repeat the authentication process every time you run this app. It is very convenient. Please be aware that Facebook android app should be preinstalled if you want to use facebook.
<Google Plus activated>
<Google Plus inactivated>
Finally, post your writing by clicking post button. Loading bar will show, and when sending finishes, the bar will disappear and you can see a message saying posted successfully. If Google Plus button is activated, you will see additional edit window. You can add another image or video here. Now you can see your post at the websites of sns.
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